Hopeful Minds Services


Spravato™ services offered in Aubrey, TX


Spravato™ services offered in Aubrey, TX

Spravato® esketamine nasal spray is a novel approach to helping people who have treatment-resistant depression. Visit Ndubuisi Odegai, Princess Riley, DNP, and their team at The Healed Mind Psychiatry in Aubrey, Texas, if your depression symptoms aren’t improving despite several different treatments. They can prescribe Spravato and administer it on-site. Call The Healed Mind Psychiatry today to learn more about Spravato or request an appointment online.

Spravato™ Q&A

What is Spravato?

Spravato is a groundbreaking treatment for patients whose depression doesn’t respond to other therapies.

Depression symptoms include such low mood and severe emotional distress that patients often can’t lead normal lives. Depression can cause such an intense torment that people contemplate death and suicide.

Spravato nasal spray contains esketamine, a refined form of the anesthetic drug ketamine, which has FDA approval for treatment-resistant depression. 

You receive Spravato treatment on-site at The Healed Mind Psychiatry office so your provider can monitor you afterward and intervene if you develop any side effects.

The team uses Spravato in combination with antidepressant medication. Research shows that around three quarters of patients who receive ketamine therapy for treatment-resistant depression experience significant symptom reduction.

Am I a good candidate for Spravato?

The Healed Mind Psychiatry team might recommend Spravato if you have severe depression that isn’t improving after several months of other treatments.

Talk therapies and antidepressant medication are often effective for treating depression, but some patients don’t feel better or find they develop unpleasant side effects from their medication.

The Healed Mind Psychiatry team uses pharmacogenomic tests to select the medicines best suited to your genetic makeup. While this increases your chances of success, Spravato offers a convenient, helpful alternative if your symptoms don’t respond.

Intravenous (IV) ketamine infusion therapy is very effective. However, you need to have a needle in your arm for 40-60 minutes while the ketamine drips steadily into a vein. Spravato is faster, less invasive, and more accessible.

What happens during Spravato treatment?

Spravato treatment consists of multiple sessions at The Healed Mind Psychiatry office, typically three treatments each week for 4-6 weeks. After the initial treatment starts taking effect, you might also benefit from additional booster sessions to help prevent a relapse.

The treatment is fast and simple. You simply spray the prescribed dose of Spravato into your nasal passages while your provider is present. You remain at the office for a while afterward to ensure there are no adverse reactions, then you can return home.

You need to arrange a ride home after Spravato treatment because you might feel drowsy and your responses will likely slow when the ketamine is in your system.

Call The Healed Mind Psychiatry for more information about Spravato or schedule a consultation online today.