Hopeful Minds Services


Insomnia services offered in Aubrey, TX


Insomnia services offered in Aubrey, TX

Insomnia is a common sleep issue. Often, it’s also a symptom of an underlying mental health condition. At The Healed Mind Psychiatry, a psychiatric and mental health practice in Aubrey, Texas, Ndubuisi Odegai, Princess Riley, DNP, and team understand the connection between mental health and insomnia. They provide comprehensive and effective care to improve patients’ sleep, mental well-being, and quality of life. To learn more about sleep disorders and get help for insomnia, call the office. Or request an appointment online, which is quick and convenient. Telehealth services are also available.

Insomnia Q&A

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that causes people to have a difficult time falling or staying asleep. You may experience short-term insomnia when stressed or due to a change in your usual routine.

Trouble sleeping for a few days or weeks isn’t a serious physical or mental health concern. However, if you or a loved one experiences difficulty falling and staying asleep three or more nights a week for over three weeks, then it’s likely you have long-term insomnia.

When is insomnia a problem?

Ongoing insomnia usually indicates that an underlying health problem is causing sleep troubles. Not getting adequate sleep for an extended period can worsen underlying health problems and even generate new health problems.

For example, if you wake up too early and feel sad and tired, you may have depression. If you have difficulty falling asleep because you have too much energy, you might be experiencing a manic or hypomanic episode that occurs with bipolar disorder. If you have panic attacks while sleeping, you likely have a panic disorder, which is a  type of anxiety disorder.

What is the connection between mental health and insomnia? 

About 50% of insomnia cases accompany mental health conditions and disorders, such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder

The type of sleep issue you or a loved one is experiencing helps your provider pinpoint the root causes of insomnia. They work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan tailored to your unique health needs and goals.

What are some treatments for sleep disorders? 

The team takes a traditional and evidence-based approach to mental health and psychiatric care. They also tailor insomnia treatment to patients’ individual needs. 

Treatment for insomnia and other sleep disorders might include psychotherapy and lifestyle changes, such as changes to diet and exercise, decreasing stress, and avoiding caffeine and alcohol.

Your provider may also recommend medication management to treat any underlying mental health conditions, reduce symptoms, and improve sleep. Often, mental health concerns and sleep problems go hand-in-hand.

Untreated insomnia can cause mental health symptoms to worsen. If you or a loved one is having signs of insomnia and/or mental health symptoms, schedule an evaluation at The Healed Mind Psychiatry. Call the office to make an appointment, or request one online today.